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DCIO staff square off in Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament

Val Olds (left) and Ari Lacanienta square off in the finals of the Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO) organization's Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament on August 16, 2023, while other DCIO staff view the match.

After five rounds of frenzied competition, the Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO) organization on August 16, 2023, crowned Val Olds its first Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament champion. Olds, manager for the Finance, Faculty, and Research Team in University Support Services (USS) Engineering, defeated Ari Lacanienta, software engineer intern for the USS HR/Auxiliary Engineering Team, 3-1 for the title. 

The competition, hosted by the DCIO Smells Like Team Spirit Committee, was part of an employee morale and teambuilding event that included lunch from Padelli’s Street Greek. Thirty-two people participated in the tournament, which was held in the USS area on the first floor of 102 Tower.

Tournament officials used a bracket system to determine matches, with the first person to win three rounds moving on. While some participants opted to pick their opponents, other contenders were assigned in the order they signed up. The first and second rounds took place simultaneously, leading to a brief but chaotic free-for-all of shifting fists and fingers, smiles and laughter.

Olds, Lacanienta, and semifinalists Suzanne Wayment and Kylen Xiao received prizes, including a Rock, Paper, Scissors card game; Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock dice; Rock, Paper, Scissors Mug; and "You Rock" decorative rock.

Special thanks to the DCIO Smells Like Team Spirit Committee members who helped organize and manage the event: Sither Dolma, Shellie Eide, Patrick Harris, Kariann Hibbard, Emily Jacoby, Jan Lovett, Tammy Mabey, Reza Sarijlou, Jeff Shuckra, and Eric Watson.

Brandon Gresham (left) and Rob Lake play Rock, Paper, Scissors.Jason Moeller (left) and Barb Iannucci play Rock, Paper, Scissors.DCIO staff line up for lunch.Ray Daurelle (from left), Dan Gillen, and Roger Kowallis get their lunches.DCIO staff play Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Brandon Gresham (left) and Lihong Yu play Rock, Paper, Scissors.Barb Iannucci (left) and Val Olds play Rock, Paper, Scissors.Suzanne Wayment (left) and Emily Jacoby play Rock, Paper, Scissors.Val Olds (left) and Ari Lacanienta laugh after their match ends.Val Olds selects his prize.

Kylen Xiao selects a prize.The Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament bracket


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Last Updated: 1/8/25