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UIT Leadership Spotlight: Joe Barndt, supervisor, DLT AV Support

Joe Barndt, supervisor, AV Support, Digital Learning Technologies

The U of U alum, who has worked for Digital Learning Technologies since he was a freshman studying music, said it's rewarding to solve problems for and provide support to people from so many different technological backgrounds.

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Meet Your Colleagues: DLT Learning Experience team

Adobe Creative Consultants Olivia Etz, left, and Canyon Sargent speak with each other at Adobe Creative Commons in Kahlert Village on January 17, 2025.

Based out of Kahlert Village, Adobe creative consultants for Digital Learning Technologies’ Learning Experience team specialize in providing students and faculty with general and application-specific Adobe software support.

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Search tool helps faculty learn more about classroom tech

Adam Stewart, associate director for AV & Technology Services

A classroom search tool launched at the beginning of spring semester for Digital Learning Technologies is designed to help faculty familiarize themselves with the audiovisual capabilities and space attributes of 188 classrooms on main campus.

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Teaching and Learning Portfolio improves Learning Spaces process

A student with curly short yellow hair and over-the-ear headphones works on a desktop computer in a University of Utah Division of Games computer lab while another student with long brown hair and glasses standing behind them watches. (Courtesy of the University of Utah)

The TLP updated the annual Learning Spaces-Student Computing Fees allocation process for FY2026 to give applicants more time to prepare proposals, provide Digital Learning Technologies more time to complete AV estimates, improve the user experience, and synchronize lab usage statistics.

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UIT preplanning avoids start of semester 'fires'

Two male University of Utah students sit at a study space in Marriott Library. The student on the left is wearing glasses and a gray hoodie. The student on the right is wearing beige shorts and a red polo shirt and is pointing at a laptop computer. Image courtesy of the University of Utah.

Before each new semester, UIT teams and their IT counterparts across campus and University of Utah Health practice a proactive form of “fire prevention” that involves planning IT changes, maintaining software licenses, and leveraging cloud-based resources.

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New podcast studio opens in Kahlert Village

Drew Dennison, Adobe creative consultant, uses a new podcast studio in Kahlert Village. Image courtesy of Tony Sams.

A newly completed podcast studio inside Kahlert Village, home of Adobe Creative Commons, “meets students where they’re at,” designer Tony Sams says. The studio is outfitted with all the Rode brand components needed to record up to a four-person podcast.

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Indigenous students use digital technologies as storytelling tools

Image of two students attending the Indigenous Storytelling Camp, courtesy of Tony Sams, University of Utah.

Students from the the Uintah and Ouray Reservation and Navajo Nation used digital technologies to express themselves creatively during the Indigenous Storytelling Camp, supported in part by UIT’s Digital Learning Technologies group, at the university on June 3-6, 2024. 

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Last Updated: 4/11/22