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Explainer: Network Security Rule (4-004I)

Pink and blue ethernet cables plugged into the back of a network switch.

When correctly implemented, the technical requirements for network security outlined by Rule 4-004I can prevent an interruption of network service or a compromise of the university’s IT security.

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IT security tip: Think before you click

A screenshot of the Phish Tank homepage, which shows an anglerfish getting ready to swallow a University of Utah ID card.

Take a couple of extra seconds to evaluate every email — especially those with a link or an attachment — for red flags, including unfamiliar greetings and requests for sensitive information.

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Software purchase form doesn't pertain to OSL, PCards

Blue-tinted image of a keyboard key with a shopping cart on it.

A recent Node 4 article about a requirement to use a software purchase request form for all new and renewal software, web-based applications, and mobile application acquisitions — regardless of cost — pertained to UShop.

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IT governance roundup

IT Governance

The Strategic Information Technology Committee (SITC) met on May 9. The Enterprise Web Advisory Committee (EWAC) will meet on June 8. The next Architecture and New Technology Committee (ANTC) and Teaching and Learning Portfolio (TLP) meetings are to be determined.

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Meet Your Colleagues: USS Student Engineering Team

Image of a University of Utah Asia Campus student's hands typing on a laptop computer. Image courtesy of the University of Utah.

The Student Engineering Team in University Support Services develops, improves, and maintains student-facing technologies for various campus partners, as well as oversees a student management system called Northstar.

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Explainer: Remote Access Rule (4-004H)

An illustration of a man standing before a wall with a keyhole opening. Through the opening, a bright line shines out from a city skyscape.

Rule 4-004H outlines the requirements and user responsibilities when accessing the university’s IT resources, information systems, and information assets remotely (e.g., Citrix and virtual private network).

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Last Updated: 4/11/22