2021-22 Kevin Taylor Memorial Service Award honorees
TheKevin Taylor Memorial Service Award programwas established in 2014 to recognize superior service and ongoing contributions by
UIT employees. The award committee, UIT Leadership, and fellow colleagues thank all
of this year's nominees for their service excellence!
“One of Corey’s greatest qualities is his humble and unassuming nature. Corey is happy
to stay out of the spotlight.
He often states that if the phone techs are doing their job correctly, no one notices
This kind of behind the scenes work suits Corey well, as he shies away from being
noticed, often not taking credit for his work that goes unseen.
Think of UIT as a finely tuned sports car. There are many flashy parts that can be
seen from the outside. There are, however, many parts on the inside that go unnoticed
but are equally if not more important. Corey is one of those parts of that goes unnoticed
but without him, the car won’t run.”
~ Submitted by Lance Davis, UIT
Excerpts from the letters of the other nominees:
Matt Edgren, HR Auxiliary Services, University Support Services (USS) Engineering
Matt Edgren
“One of the strong attributes that Matt and Kevin Taylor share is the ability to start
a discussion with strong differing points of view and end up with consensus and clarity
on the necessary next steps.
He is inclusive of everyone’s points of view and does an excellent job of hearing
everyone out before helping the team come to the best solution.
Matt works well with our customers in the U community and team members across UIT. He
is respected for his well-researched and thoughtful suggestions on how we might architect any
given work.”
~ Submitted by Doug Kenner, UIT
Matt Munro, University Campus Computer Support, Communications Infrastructure
Matt Munro
“Matt is one of those rare people who can be inserted into any situation, be knowledgeable,
honest, and forthright without being overbearing, rude or intimidating. He is always
nice. He has a true knack for being able to work with just about any personality with
a kind gracious attitude.
His roles include team lead, developer, mentor, sounding board, subject matter expert,
engineer, tester / guinea pig, and shoulder to cry on.
He truly helps the wheels of the department continue to turn.”
~ Submitted by Stacey Wood, UIT
Lisa Osborne, Account Executives, Communications Infrastructure
Lisa Osborne
“Lisa is always willing to help, and she gives you the sense that you are priority
number one, even though I know she always has a lot on her plate.
Whenever there is something that falls outside her purview, Lisa always gets me in
touch with the correct team/person.
Lisa consistently follows through with every task and project, no matter the size,
staying positive the entire time.”
~ Submitted by Chris Barra, Information Technology Services (ITS)
Paul Richardson, Finance, Faculty, and Research, USS Engineering
Paul Richardson
“Paul knows the ins and outs of almost all the applications running under USS and
he has really good knowledge of all the technologies being used in the group.
Even with his busy schedule, he is a team player and always available to help and
guide the team members.
Personally, since I have joined the team he has helped me a lot to understand different
USS applications. Whenever I am stuck he is always there to lend a helping hand.”
~ Submitted by Namita Mahtta, UIT
Mike Tyler, Fiber Plant, Communications Infrastructure
Mike Tyler
“You will find Mike with boots on the ground at the project that has the biggest customer
impact or potential for problems.
When you ask Mike a “why” question, his answer usually involves doing what is best
for the University and not about doing a fast and easy shortcut.
Coworkers and student interns comment on how Mike takes the time to go over the details
of a job before they start, and how he helps them feel confident in what they need
to do.”